Browsing: Oddities

Belgic — White Star Line’s Only US-Built Ship
The ship that would become Belgic (1903), and hold the distinction of being the only…

Liners Transporting Masterpieces
Transatlantic ocean liners are often associated with glamourous celebrities, but in the 1960s—during the twilight…

Five Ocean Liners With Unfortunate Names
Ocean liner history is rich with famous and evocative names, such as Queen Mary, Mauretania,…

1911: Gunfire Rocks Laurentic
It was an evening of “great excitement” on White Star’s Laurentic (1908) in February 1911…

White Star’s Tender, Attractive Magnetic
The attraction of White Star Line’s Magnetic lingers to this day. Magnetic, a tender built…

The Forgotten Titanic Baseball Game
Less than a week after White Star Line’s Titanic struck an iceberg and sank to…

Olympic Feels Strange Vibrations
A strange, violent vibration lasting over two minutes created worry and alarm onboard Olympic (1911)…

Celtic Captain: “Torpedoed by a Taxi”
White Star Celtic Captain A.E.S Hambleton survived World War I without a scratch. But, then,…

Queen Mary High School
Can you imagine Queen Mary serving as a New York City high school? It appears…

Piano Panic on Dunnottar Castle
Back in January 1908, passengers on the storm-tossed Dunnottar Castle (1890) played a dangerous game…