Browsing: Features

Pacific Liner: A Vintage Movie for Our Times
Pacific Liner is a 1938 fictional film that focuses on a very real current issue:…

Joseph Groves Boxhall: Titanic’s Fourth Officer
Joseph Groves Boxhall, fourth officer on Titanic (1912), was born on 23 March 1884 in…

William Murdoch, Titanic’s First Officer
William McMaster Murdoch, first officer of Titanic (1912), was born in Dalbeattie, Scotland, on 28…

Roadmap to the Piers
In 1964, as millions of visitors prepared to descend on New York City for the…

1914: Liners Meet Rogue Waves
On 6 February 1914, one day out from Queenstown, en route to New York, White…

The 1940 Plan for Aircraft Carrier Ocean Liners
It’s a story that could have appeared in the The Onion, had that publication existed…

Funnel Phun
Have you ever noticed that really old ocean liners built, say, before 1930 or so,…

Titanic Coincidences
There are simple serendipities, and then there are what can only be called Titanic coincidences.…

Cassandre — The Man and the Poster
Cassandre (Adolphe Jean-Marie Mouron), the Ukrainian-French artist who created the iconic and widely reproduced poster…

Bad Vibrations on Normandie
Normandie is renowned for her interior and exterior beauty. Yet like all great lookers, Normandie also…