Lost Ship Traditions

Lost Ship Traditions

Showing 3 of 4

Card Sharps/Sharks. These shady characters used to be a big problem for the shipping lines. No more. Now the lines themselves are glad to fleece you in ship’s casino.

Tugboats. These little boats scurried and jostled along the sides of massive liners just like kittens nestling up to a mama cat—the difference being that most real kittens don’t emit a steady stream of diesel exhaust. In any case, tugboats were so much more fun to watch than azipods.

Pushing an Unwanted Spouse, Friend, Lover or Boss Overboard. Back in the day, you could just tell the authorities that the individual concerned seemed awfully depressed at the gala “Salute to Long Island” dinner. Voila! Problem solved! I remember back in 1974 when… Oh, never mind. It was a long time ago.

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